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Porsche 944 : Roof Assembly

To find your Porsche 944 Roof Assembly from a RECYCLER NEAR YOU, just enter the YEAR of your vehicle and your ZIP code in the above form and press the "FIND" button. (What you see below is a previous search for a Porsche 944 Roof Assembly and does not include all the Roof Assemblies in YOUR area.)

Year, Model,



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1987 PORSCHE 94
Roof Assembly
PEELING Sliding 102 B A3H055 $200.00 Grassy Auto Parts
855-890-9506 Ext 092300
West Liberty, KY
1988 PORSCHE 92
Roof Assembly
CHIPPING Sliding 184 A B2F194 $250.00 Grassy Auto Parts
855-890-9506 Ext 092300
West Liberty, KY
1988 PORSCHE 92
Roof Assembly
RED,MOON [152-58176B] Sliding 0 A 6A020 $250.00 Grassy Auto Parts
855-890-9506 Ext 092300
West Liberty, KY
1984 POR944
Roof Assembly
YELLOW slidng Sliding 0.00 A I0560 $150.00 Carguts
855-890-9506 Ext 134531
Blacksburg, SC
1984 POR944
Roof Assembly
slidng Sliding 0.00 A I0676 $150.00 Carguts
855-890-9506 Ext 134531
Blacksburg, SC
1986 POR944
Roof Assembly
sliding RED EXT 2DR COUPE Sliding 0hr A J1029 $150.00 Carguts
855-890-9506 Ext 134531
Blacksburg, SC
1987 POR944
Roof Assembly
GOLD slidng Sliding 0.00 A H0138 $150.00 Carguts
855-890-9506 Ext 134531
Blacksburg, SC
1988 POR944
Roof Assembly
RED-slidng Sliding A 470719 $200.00 Rawl's & Sons Auto Salvage
855-890-9501 Ext 659726
Springfield, TN
1988 924
Roof Assembly
LY5Z BLUE,TARGA PANEL Sliding 16208 110046 $225.00 Euro Parts Plus
855-890-9502 Ext 711209
Millwood, KY
1987 944
Roof Assembly
BLK,2DR,SUN Sliding 164000 150153 Call Beaver's Honda Salvage
855-890-9506 Ext 214871
Kannapolis, NC
1986 944
Roof Assembly
Sliding 0 150405 Call Auto Outlet Parts (AL)
855-895-9804 Ext 244409
Duncanville , AL
1987 POR924
Roof Assembly
sliding RED EXT 2DR HEATED-sliding Sliding 0hr A 13068 Call Staunton Auto Parts
855-890-9506 Ext 022587
Staunton, VA
1986 POR944
Roof Assembly
SLIDING GOOD CONDITION - sliding Sliding 1hr A 7342S $175.00 Maroney's Foreign Cars
855-890-9504 Ext 220940
Smithton, PA
1986 POR944
Roof Assembly
sliding RED REPAINT - sliding Sliding 0hr A 7006P $175.00 Maroney's Foreign Cars
855-890-9504 Ext 220940
Smithton, PA
1985 POR944
Roof Assembly
slidng RED 000 PANEL ONLY--slidng Sliding 0hr A H00239 $200.00 Intercity Auto
855-890-9503 Ext 568271
Walton Hills, OH
1988 944
Roof Assembly
000 288 EXTRA Sliding 167192 137761 $350.00 Brandywine Auto Parts
855-889-9345 Ext 286978
Brandywine, MD
1985 PORSCHE 94
Roof Assembly
BLK,DAMAGED,ALL OVER,LOOK AT Sliding 999 C 4371T Call Jay's Auto Wrecking
855-889-9345 Ext 243095
Edinboro, PA
1985 PORSCHE 94
Roof Assembly
2DR,GOLD,SOLID 288,TESTED,SHARP,ASSY [15 Sliding 141 A 7866 $295.00 East Bay Auto Parts
855-895-9804 Ext 314227
Interlochen, MI
1987 POR924
Roof Assembly
sliding RED EXT 2DR HEATED-sliding Sliding 0hr A 130733 Call Leon Recycling & Auto Parts LLC
855-890-9504 Ext 291578
Leon, IA
1986 944
Roof Assembly
2DR,MAROON,11-85 Sliding 82, B 140064 $250.00 Euroasian Auto, Inc.
855-890-9501 Ext 767866
Wichita, KS
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